I got two chicken breast in my fridge and this morning i am so starving. So I think I'm gonna cook grilled chicken breast. But what I'm going to put on the chicken? I checked on my kitchen to see what I got there. I got cayenne, black pepper, lemon, mixed herbs, cinnamon, cheese, butter, mustard paste, etc. well, I gonna use some of these items. I sit on a chair and thinking about how to make my recipe to be more interesting. Ha! I got an idea, I would like to cook the chicken breast like chicken cordon bleu style, stuffed the cheese inside! So the there it goes chicken breast knight!
Pan Grilled Knightly Chicken Breast with Chicken Sauce
Ingredients: Cheddar cheese, chicken breast, cayenne powder, black pepper, chicken broth, multipurpose flour, Bay leaves, carrot(cut to halves), shallots, lemon, and salt.
Method: - Chicken Sauce
Boil some chicken bones and diced shallots to have the broth. Then add some Bay leaves, carrot and black pepper as well as salt. When it boiled, pour some flour that is being mixed with water. Let it simmer for a few minutes until the carrot turn soft. Squeezed some lemon juice inside.
- The chicken
Cut between your chicken breast to have a small space on the center of the chicken breast. After that, Rubbed your chicken breast with some cayenne and salt. Stuffed some cheddar cheese inside the space of your chicken breast. Preheat your grill pan with some olive oil and butter to have the aroma. When your pan grill is heat up, place the chicken inside. Grill your chicken until it turn brown on one side the flip it and repeat the same thing. Put your chicken aside on a plate. Pour some of the chicken sauce. Squeezed some lemon juice on the chicken.
You can have this dish with mashed potato since there is no carbohydrate. :D
The combination of sour taste and black pepper is just awesome. The reason I use cayenne instead of black pepper is because I have use black pepper in the sauce. So I would like to give a different hot taste on my chicken.
Last but not least, enjoy my new recipe! Good luck! :)
~Chef Luq