My friend asked me to make a chicken schnitzel with hairloom and tomato what ever. Firstly, I don't know what is chicken schnitzel. So I search it by using wikipedia and it says "It is a traditional Austrian dish consisting of an escalope coated in breadcrumbs and fried." Well, it sounds simple. So I search for some chicken schnitzel's recipe in the internet for examples. Then I collect my data and analyse it. Instead of fry it, I rather bake it because bake do not use any oil, so it is more healthy. I serve my chicken schnitzel with penne since the original schnitzel do not have any carbohydrates in that dish. So the penne is the source of carbohydrate in this dish.
Schnitzel di pollo con la salsa al pomodoro bianca
Ingredients: escalope(flattened boneless chicken), chicken broth, Bay leaves, black pepper, thyme, salt, sugar, tomatoes, shallots, breadcrumbs, eggs, flour.
Method: beat 2 eggs. Dip your escalope inside. Then mix your breadcrumbs with thyme. Then coat your escalope with the breadcrumbs then bakes it in an oven for 180 degree celcius for 30 minutes.While wait for your escalope to cooked, we prepare the gravy. You need to boil some chicken's bone with Bay leaves to have the broth. Then with a touch of olive oil in a pan, saute your diced shallots and diced tomatoes until it form a paste. Then add your broth into the paste. Stir it well. Add some salt and sugar. Add lot of course black pepper. Then in a small bowl, add some flour and hot water. Stir it well and pour it inside the gravy. Simmer it for a few minutes and then it is ready to serve.
You can serve it with pasta or potatoes. I prefer to serve it with mashed potatoes. :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
la pasta nel pomodoro bianco di cavaliere
I'm going to East Coast Mall with my friend. Then I walked into the Carrefour to buy some kitchen stuffs. I choose to cook pasta for the next recipe but I think I would like to try a different type of pasta. So I checked out what pasta do they have in Carrefour. Instantly my eye focused to a packet of pasta. It is shell like pasta. So I buy that pasta. Then I would like to introduce my new sauce. I call it white tomato sauce because it is tomato sauce but it is white like carbonara sauce.
la pasta nel pomodoro bianco di cavaliere
Ingredients: tomatoes, cheese, shallots, chickens, pasta, black pepper, bay leaves, salt ,sugar, flour.
Method: Boil some chicken;s bones to have the broth. Then saute your diced shallots and tomatoes until it form a paste. pour your chicken broth and add some bay leaves. Add some black pepper ,salt ,and sugar. Simmer it for a few minutes. After that, add some flour that is been mix with hot water. Simmer it and then serve it with pasta.
la pasta nel pomodoro bianco di cavaliere
Ingredients: tomatoes, cheese, shallots, chickens, pasta, black pepper, bay leaves, salt ,sugar, flour.
Method: Boil some chicken;s bones to have the broth. Then saute your diced shallots and tomatoes until it form a paste. pour your chicken broth and add some bay leaves. Add some black pepper ,salt ,and sugar. Simmer it for a few minutes. After that, add some flour that is been mix with hot water. Simmer it and then serve it with pasta.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Il cavaliere di broccoli nell'uovo (Knight of broccoli in egg)

Il cavaliere di broccoli nell'uovo (Knight of broccoli in egg)
Ingredients: eggs, broccoli, black pepper, salt, sugar, lemon curd, bread, butter and milk.
Method: Place 2 eggs in a bowl. Then chop a plenty of broccoli and put it inside the egg. Then add some black pepper, salt and sugar inside. Pour some milk, about quarter of cup only. Add 3 teaspoon of lemon curd in another bowl and mix it with hot water and stir it until it diluted. Right after that add it inside the batter. Beat the mixture until it mixed up. Preheat your cooking pan with some butter. Cook your egg on one side only in the pan. Let the other side half cooked. Have it with 2 slices of toasted bread. Enjoy!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Il Carbonara Cavaliere Infornato ( The Baked Carbonara Knight)
I was out with my mom to a fruit juice kiosk, The Fruit Station. At the shop, they got pizzas, baked pastas, 'nasi dagang etc. So I try the baked pasta and one of the pizzas. I impress with the baked pasta because the taste is quite awesome. Then I asked my mom "Mom, can you teach me how to make a baked pasta?" asked me. "It's just simple, I can teach you. First you need to make the sauce of the pasta, then you just put it in the baking pot layer by layer of pasta and the sauce." she said. So I went back and surf the internet to search about how to make this baked pasta. I list down the ingredients of the baked pasta. Actually I don't prefer to use other chef's recipe so I create my own recipe of baked pasta. In my Carbonara sauce, I use a bit of black pepper and yellow capsicum. I use black pepper because I like the heat produced by the black pepper. Almost all of my recipe I add some black pepper. Yellow capsicum is use for garnishing since baked pasta is a little bit dull in their colour. Capsicum is one of the best ingredients to cheer up the colour. You can also use other types of ingredients to cheer up the colour of this pasta such as tomatoes or spinach.
Il Carbonara Cavaliere Infornato
Ingredients: Capsicum, Cheddar cheeses, milk, Bay leaves, mushrooms, black pepper, salt, sugar, Pasta(fettucinne, Penne, Macaroni), corn flour, broccoli, chicken.
Method: Boil some chicken's bone to have the chicken broth. Add the Bay leaves, salt, sugar and black pepper. Remove the chicken's bones. Put 7 or 8(or anyway you like) cheddar cheese fillets in the soup. Pour half cup of milk inside. Stir it well. Mix the corn flour with water in a bowl then stir it well until it smooth. Pour the flour mixture in the soup. Stir it well until it concentrated. Dice the capsicum and add it into the soup. Slice the broccoli and the mushrooms adn place it in the soup. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
In a baking pot, put one layer of boiled fettucinne. Then pour the carbonara sauce on the fettucinne layer. Then Cover the top of the layer of carbonara sauce with cheese. Repeat the step for a few times until it covers your baking pot. Lastly, cover your pasta with bread crumbs or crushed cornflakes. Place it in an oven and bake it for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 180 degree celcius. Then it is ready to eat!
To make sure the pasta is cooked or not, you just feel it with a fork, if the fork did not stick in, it means your pasta is cooked. You can replace the bread crumbs with mashed potato. It could be nice too. Have a try and good luck! :)
~Chef Luq
Il Carbonara Cavaliere Infornato
Ingredients: Capsicum, Cheddar cheeses, milk, Bay leaves, mushrooms, black pepper, salt, sugar, Pasta(fettucinne, Penne, Macaroni), corn flour, broccoli, chicken.
Method: Boil some chicken's bone to have the chicken broth. Add the Bay leaves, salt, sugar and black pepper. Remove the chicken's bones. Put 7 or 8(or anyway you like) cheddar cheese fillets in the soup. Pour half cup of milk inside. Stir it well. Mix the corn flour with water in a bowl then stir it well until it smooth. Pour the flour mixture in the soup. Stir it well until it concentrated. Dice the capsicum and add it into the soup. Slice the broccoli and the mushrooms adn place it in the soup. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
In a baking pot, put one layer of boiled fettucinne. Then pour the carbonara sauce on the fettucinne layer. Then Cover the top of the layer of carbonara sauce with cheese. Repeat the step for a few times until it covers your baking pot. Lastly, cover your pasta with bread crumbs or crushed cornflakes. Place it in an oven and bake it for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 180 degree celcius. Then it is ready to eat!
To make sure the pasta is cooked or not, you just feel it with a fork, if the fork did not stick in, it means your pasta is cooked. You can replace the bread crumbs with mashed potato. It could be nice too. Have a try and good luck! :)
~Chef Luq
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
La Penne di Cavaliere di Baguette ( The Penne Knight of Baguette)

Yesterday my mom and me were at Carrefour hypermarket to search for some food stuffs. Suddenly I saw a loaf of Baguette. So I picked it up. Then my mom asked me to fetch some pastas so I decide to take Fettucine and Penne. On the way back, I was thinking about a new recipe. What I'm going to do with pasta and Baguette? Baguette wrapped with Fettucine? Of course not! Abruptly Penne on top of Baguette crossed in my mind. The main theme is Penne on top of Baguette. What I need now is the sauce. And I remember the Penne at Pizza Hut, it is red in colour, spicy! So now I think of spicy and red sauce. But I will do something different, I would like to create some kind of white sauce or resemble carbonara sauce but spicy. Well, I got an idea how to make that kind of sauce. It's the cayenne! Cayenne gives spicy taste but not the colour. The colour seems to be plain and cheesy but it is actually hot and spicy. Right after I finished my driving test, I decide to cook the dish. Fortunately, my friend, Fakhrullah would like to visit me. It's wonderful! He can help me as a chef assistant. Here it goes the knight of Penne!
La Penne di Cavaliere di Baguette
Ingredients : Penne, cheddar cheese, black pepper, cayenne powder, diced chicken, salt, sugar, bay leaves, and multipurpose flour, diced garlic.
Method: Boil some chicken’s bones to have chicken broths. Then, add some cayenne powder, salt, Bay leaves. Stir it well for a few minutes. After that, Mix the half of the small bowl of flour with hot water and add it into the broth. Boil the penne until it soft. Sautee the garlic until it turn brown and add the black pepper, sugar and salt. Marinate the chicken with black pepper. Then add into the pan and cook with the sauce. Add the penne. Add some cheese and immediately put the chicken aside. Cut your baguette as if you would like to make garlic bread. Spread the baguette with butter and put it in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 Degrees Celcius. Put your penne on the baguette and put the sauce on top. Garnish the dish with parsley on top.
If you are too hungry, you can eat it without the baguette. You'll have limited Penne if you put them on the baguette, maybe you will have 3 to 4 Pennes on top of the baguette. You also can sprinkle some mint leaves as garnishing. This recipe is successful and enjoy it!
~ Chef Luq
~Chef Assistant Fakhrul
Monday, March 14, 2011
Pan Grilled Knightly Chicken Breast with Chicken Sauce

I got two chicken breast in my fridge and this morning i am so starving. So I think I'm gonna cook grilled chicken breast. But what I'm going to put on the chicken? I checked on my kitchen to see what I got there. I got cayenne, black pepper, lemon, mixed herbs, cinnamon, cheese, butter, mustard paste, etc. well, I gonna use some of these items. I sit on a chair and thinking about how to make my recipe to be more interesting. Ha! I got an idea, I would like to cook the chicken breast like chicken cordon bleu style, stuffed the cheese inside! So the there it goes chicken breast knight!
Pan Grilled Knightly Chicken Breast with Chicken Sauce
Ingredients: Cheddar cheese, chicken breast, cayenne powder, black pepper, chicken broth, multipurpose flour, Bay leaves, carrot(cut to halves), shallots, lemon, and salt.
Method: - Chicken Sauce
Boil some chicken bones and diced shallots to have the broth. Then add some Bay leaves, carrot and black pepper as well as salt. When it boiled, pour some flour that is being mixed with water. Let it simmer for a few minutes until the carrot turn soft. Squeezed some lemon juice inside.
- The chicken
Cut between your chicken breast to have a small space on the center of the chicken breast. After that, Rubbed your chicken breast with some cayenne and salt. Stuffed some cheddar cheese inside the space of your chicken breast. Preheat your grill pan with some olive oil and butter to have the aroma. When your pan grill is heat up, place the chicken inside. Grill your chicken until it turn brown on one side the flip it and repeat the same thing. Put your chicken aside on a plate. Pour some of the chicken sauce. Squeezed some lemon juice on the chicken.
You can have this dish with mashed potato since there is no carbohydrate. :D
The combination of sour taste and black pepper is just awesome. The reason I use cayenne instead of black pepper is because I have use black pepper in the sauce. So I would like to give a different hot taste on my chicken.
Last but not least, enjoy my new recipe! Good luck! :)
~Chef Luq
The Knight of the Egg

I just got back from cycling for about 50km. SO what I need is protein to replace the used protein for the muscle. Then I search for eggs and chickens. Egg and chicken is the source of protein. Carbohydrate is needed. Aha! There is a packet of bread crumbs. A new recipe pop up in my mind. The recipe is :
The Knight of the Egg
Ingredients: 2 Eggs, minced chicken, black pepper, bread crumbs, cheddar cheese, salt, and sugar.
Method: Beat the eggs and mix it with the minced chicken, black pepper, salt and sugar. After that, place it in a small metal cup and bake it in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degree celcius. After 15 minutes, put it aside. Dip the baked egg in a bowl of egg that is beaten of, and coat it with the bread crumbs that is mix up with grated cheddar cheese. Lastly, bake it again for 10 minutes at 180 degree celcius.
Enjoy it with black pepper sauce or chili sauce.
~Chef Luq
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Knights Yoghurt Baked Chicken

I owned a sister studying in Volgograd, Russia. Sometimes I chat with her through FB's IM. One day I'm chatting with her while she is cooking. I asked her what is she cooking. She told me that she is making yoghurt chicken. Sounds interesting eh? Without hesitation, I asked her for the recipe, so here it comes:
Knights Yoghurt Baked Chicken
Ingredients: Yoghurt(natural flavour), chickens, cayenne, bread crumbs, salt, lemon juice.
Method: Stir the yoghurt in a bowl. Then mix it up with lemon juice. Place some bread crumbs in a bowl. Mix it with salt and cayenne. Dip the chicken into the yoghurt mixture and coat it with the bread crumbs mixture. Bake the chicken in an oven for 180 degrees Celcius for an hour.
~Chef Luq, recipe from Chef Kak Sofi.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Lemon Curd Knight Spaghetti

On one afternoon my mom asked me to cook spaghetti Bolognaise. But I'm kind of bored to cook the usual type of spaghetti. But I have decided to cook some kind of different type of spaghetti. My mom asked me to cook spaghetti based on lemon. Instantly I search for lemon in the fridge and suddenly I bumped on a bottle of Harrods Lemon Curd! Immediately I create my own recipe of spaghetti. This spaghetti is a bit hot and spicy!
Lemon Curd Knight Spaghetti
Ingredients: Lemon Curd, spaghetti, bunga lawang, cengkih, black pepper, cinnamon stick, buah pelaga, chicken fillets, lemon juice, capsicum, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, garlic.
Method: Place bunga lawang,cengkih,black pepper,cinnamon stick and buah pelaga in a blender,blend it until it form powdery state. Dice 2 cloves of garlic and mix it with th...e spices. Dice a capsicum and tomatoes and then place it into the spices. While waiting for the spaghetti to boil, marinate the chicken in lemon juice and with black pepper. Sautee the spices with the capsicum and tomatoes as well as the chicken. Put 3 tablespoon of lemon curd, a table spoon of sugar, and half of tablespoon of salt.Mix it with spaghetti and let it heat up for a few minutes. Grate some cheddar cheese on the spaghetti. Sprinkle some parsley.
~Chef Luq
Knight Cayenne Fried Rice

My friend Shahran asked me to create a simple recipe based on fried rice. So I go to this Cayenne Fried Rice. Cayenne is a type of spice that is hot and spicy! I can use 'cili Bo' or 'cili padi' or anything that is hot and spicy. But as almost all of my recipes are western type, I decide to use Cayenne. The smell of Cayenne is like 'hapak' smell but the taste is quite good. You can search for it at Tunas Manja, Pantai Selamat, Carrefour, Cold Storage and etc. But the price is quite expensive because it is branded and imported. I use McCormick brand for all these spices and herbs. Let's start the cooking!
Ingredients: Rice(can use couscous), 2 tablespoons Cayenne powder, salt, chicken fillets, 1 capsicum(diced),2 shallots, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Method: Saute the garlic and shallot until it turn brown. While waiting for them to turn brown, seasoned your chicken with a little bit of salt and sugar. Then add then into the pan with the garlic and shallots. Add the capsicum. Put the rice into the pan. Pour a glass of water in a bowl, place the Cayenne powder in it with salt and sugar. Stir it well and pour it onto the rice. Mix it up until the spice is completely spread up. Put your rice on a plate and sprinkle some mint leaves fro garnishing. This rice is HOTT! :D
~Chef Luq
Knightful Cheesy Omelet!

Last few days,in the midnight I was so so so hungry!I went down to the kitchen to search something that is simple to cook. And poof! I found a few eggs. So I decide to cook omelet. I search something in the fridge that may help to put in the omelet. I found cheddar fillets! So let's cook the omelet!
Knightful Cheesy Omelet
Ingredients: 3 eggs, cheddar fillets, black pepper, salt, milk.
Method: Beat 3 eggs in a bowl with quarter glass of milk as well as salt and pepper. Then, slice the cheddar fillets into small fillets. Put it inside the batter. Then cook it in a frying pan. enjoy! :)
~Chef Luq
Knight of Runchang Chicken Soup

Yesterday I decide to cook some chicken stuffs. So I open up the fridge. What I have is chicken only. I never make a chicken soup before so I think I would like to try once. I thaw the chicken and took a few boneless part of the chicken. Suddenly I heard scratchy sound on my kitchen's door. So I peep through the window to see what is going on. It's my cats craving for chicken! So I just ignore them and continue to cook. Every time I cook soupy dishes, I always use the Bay leaves because the Bay leaves give a good aroma to the soup or a gravy. That's why sometimes you can find Bay leave in a spaghetti's gravy. Why I call it Runchang Chicken Soup? This is because I use to cook chicken for my Leopard cat name Runchang long time ago(hantar ke zoo dah!) and I give it boiled chicken breast with a little bit of butter inside. So I put butter into my soup to have a attracting smell and to have it a little bit fatty taste of this soup. You can make the soup by using the recipe as follows:
Chicken Soup
Ingredients: chicken broth, chicken fillets, black pepper, salt, Bay leaves, carrots, onions, oregano, cheddar cheese, butter.
Method: Boil some chicken's bones with butter until it soft. Then, add your Bay leaves,oregano,black pepper,salt,and carrots as well as onions. Simmer it for a few minutes. Then add your chicken fillets. Simmer it for a few minutes and add your cheese. Let it simmer again for a few minutes and switch off the stove. You can eat it with rice or bread. Enjoy the Knight Soup!
~Chef Luq
Malayish Knight Lamb Stew

Last week I am so hungry that when I am alone at my house. So I decide to create a soupy dish. SO I just make a lamb broth and start thinking what soupy dish I would like to have. I decide to create my own version of lamb stew. After I have the lamb broth, I put some Bay leaves, oregano and lots of lots of and lots of black pepper. After that, I would like to have it more concentrated so I pour some liquid flour(mixture of flour and hot water). So I continue to cook the lamb stew by using my own recipe:
Ingredients: Lamb fillets, Lamb broth, carrots, Fresh Milk/coconut Milk, black pepper, apple cider vinegar, cheddar cheese, flour, salt, Bay leaves, oregano.
Method: Boil some lamb bones in a pot. Then put some Bay leaves and black pepper as well as oregano. Then add some water and flour to have it concentrated. Then add your carrots and your lamb that have been marinated with black pepper and apple cider vinegar. Add some salt for taste. Wait until it boiled. Remove it to a bowl. Grate some Cheddar Cheese.
You can add some halved potatoes in it as carbohydrate. Enjoy this dish with rice or bread. Try your best! :)
~Chef Luq
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Knight's Baked Cornflakes Lamb
One night I was on a dinner with my famiy at New Horizon Garden Restaurant. So I ate one of the dishes called "Udang Goreng Nestum". It is a Chinese cuisine which the shrimp is coated with Nestum and deep fried. So I was think of that kind of food, something that is coated with some kind of cereals. Eventually I got an idea! Baked Cornflakes Lamb. I think the combination of sweet cornflakes with lamb is just nice. So here is the recipe:
Baked Cornflakes Lamb
Maybe the taste of this dish is quite nauseate, so I advice you to have this dish with sour cream or yoghurt as sauce. Enjoy! :)
~Chef Luq
Baked Cornflakes Lamb
Ingredients: Lamb, eggs, cornflakes, Parmesan cheese, black pepper, salt
Maybe the taste of this dish is quite nauseate, so I advice you to have this dish with sour cream or yoghurt as sauce. Enjoy! :)
~Chef Luq
Welcome to the Knight of Food's Kitchen!
In this blog I would like to share my own and my family's recipe to all of you!I'm glad to have this blog and share my adventure of creating some awesome and delightful recipes!Enjoy! :)
~Chef Luq
~Chef Luq
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