Today I'm going to show you my new recipe. This recipe produced due to my tiredness and hungriness. Usually I separate the chicken's flesh from it's bone. But because I'm too tired, I just cook the whole piece of chicken. For the gnocchi, I think I have make mashed potato every time I cook something so I decide to make the gnocchi since I have some flour in the fridge. This is my first try of making gnocchi, so the texture is quite irregular but the taste is just the same.
Braised Chicken with Gnocchi
Ingredients: flour, potatoes, black pepper, salt, sugar, onions, celery, butter, tomatoes, bay leaves, chicken, carrots, and chicken broth.
The Gnocchi
Boil 3 potatoes until it soften. Mashed it then put 2 cups of flour, mix it until it form like a batter. Cut it into tiny pieces. Then boil it in a bowl until it floats. Then dry it and it is ready to eat.
The chicken
Season your chicken with black pepper and salt. Melt some butter with olive oil. Then add diced onions, tomatoes and carrots. Saute it until it turn brown then braised your chicken with those stuffs. Cook the chicken until it turn brown.
The Sauce
Boil some chicken's bones with celery, carrots, bay leaves, black pepper, salt and sugar. Boil it for at least one hour. Then add some flour in a bowl with hot water. Stir it until it is mixed. Then pour it into the broth. Simmer it for a few minutes.
The meal is ready to serve.